More Than Just A Profession

After going through the readings, I see teacher professionalism as somthing that is tied up with various social, political, economic, and even cultural factors (e.g., control, customs, traditions, elitism, maternal-/paternalism, etc.). Meaning to say, since education is universal, teacher professionalism should also cover the discussion of education stakeholders like the community, students, school administrators, parents, and the government among others.

More than just a profession, teaching is a passion. My officemate who worked as a publich school teacher for a couple of years helped me through this module. She enlightened me on the realities of being a teacher and asked if I am still up for the challenge. Well, I am here already and there is no turning back. I salute all professional teachers who defy the odds.

I actually liked it that we were tasked to relate the topics in the Philippine setting. In this journal, I want to pay homage to what kind of teachers Filipinos are. Filipino teachers who traverse rivers, climb mountains, brave extreme weathers, among others just to give quality education to far-flung areas. Filipino teachers who opt to leave the country to teach foreign students just to send their own children to school here in the Philippines.  Filipino teachers who work way beyond his/her job description to give his/her students more than just assignments but hope that they can live a better life. Filipino teachers who played a major role why where we are at this very moment.

If we see ourselves, the teachers, the parents, the government, etc., as part of the problem, they are also part of the solution. The progress of the education system is not the responsibility of the teachers alone but all of us who benefit from it. All we have to do now is extend our helping hands to attain the kind of education that we are just used to be dreaming of.

I wish to become a Filipino teacher someday. I want to be the kind of Filipino teacher who is optimistic that we are off to something way better than what we are today. As the cliche goes: be the change you want to be.

As we are close to finishing discussing among ourselves this module she said, “If you cannot find your passion in teaching, you cannot keep it as a profession.” To which I nod.

Personally, I do not like doing things half-hearted.

One thought on “More Than Just A Profession

  1. Janice Getubig says:

    I agree with your sentiments of how the teaching profession is self sacrificing and often thankless but rewarding just the same and I admire your drive in pursuing this profession. More power to you!


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